ROCHDALE, March 9 (Reuters) - The death toll from the corona epidemic in the United Kingdom is 102nd out of 191 countries, despite the worst of the Corona epidemic, according to a new study. According to the report, the UK's epidemic mortality rate is comparable to that of other nations. The United Kingdom is among the 102nd highest mortality rates in the world league table, with 102 out of 191 countries and territories. Depending on the number of infections, it could rank the UK at 168 or 24th worst. Research from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, based in New York, shows that the UK has performed better.

The UK ranks 102nd out of 191 countries in Corona deaths
The UK ranks 102nd out of 191 countries in Corona deaths

Researchers found that the death rate in the UK was 126.8 per 100,000, which is very close to the world average of 120 per 100,000, in France 124.4 and in Germany 120.5 Sweden which did not lock down, had the lowest death rate in Europe. Is one that comes in at 65, with 91.2 per 100,000 topping. More deaths There is a difference between the number of deaths recorded from all causes and the expected number based on past trends. Some deaths are directly due to covid infection And some indirect consequences. Experts believe that more deaths are a better indication of the true scale of the epidemic. The indicator also exposes countries that have had less recorded deaths from coyote due to lack of scrutiny, poor governance or political will. Are not reporting deaths.

Globally, the actual number of quads is likely to be three times higher than the official figure, which is 18.2 million instead of 5.9 million by the end of last year. Commenting on the results, University of East Anglia professor Paul Hunter said that A closer look at the death toll than the Cowboys' mortality rate shows that the UK has not performed as badly as other countries. Countries will accurately record all deaths.