Bangalore / New Delhi, March 15 The Karnataka High Court has rejected a petition challenging the ban on hijab in educational institutions, saying that wearing hijab is not a compulsory religious part of Islam. Announcing its decision on the hijab controversy, the Karnataka High Court on Tuesday said that it was not wrong for educational institutions to fix uniforms and students could not be barred from wearing uniforms. Had demanded, which had led to a major controversy over the past two months. The problem was not limited to Karnataka but spread to other parts of the country.

Karnataka High Court rules on hijab controversy, students can't ban uniforms
Karnataka High Court rules on hijab controversy, students can't ban uniforms

When uniforms were strictly enforced in educational institutions, the students approached the Karnataka High Court. The students demanded that they be allowed to wear hijab with their uniforms as it is part of their religious practice. If not, the decision of the Karnataka High Court could be challenged in the Supreme Court.