Mumbai: Leading Indian comedian Kapil Sharma's co-star Tirtha Anand Rao, who is also a comedian, has been poisoned.

Over the past two years, many young artists in India have been suffering from coronary heart disease and financial difficulties. In this difficult situation, some artists have even requested financial support from other artists on social media. However, some became so disillusioned with the situation that they even tried to end their lives.

One of them is Indian comedian Tirtha Anand Rao who was poisoned due to financial problems caused by Corona. According to Indian media, Tirtha Anand Rao has been associated with the world of showbiz for the last 15 years. Apart from being a comedian, he is also known as a counterpart of well-known Indian actor Nana Patikkar.

Kapil Sharma's fellow comedian ate poison
Kapil Sharma's fellow comedian ate poison

According to media reports, Tirtha Anand tried to commit suicide by consuming poison on December 27 due to financial difficulties. Fortunately, his neighbors rushed him to the hospital on time, which saved his life.

Talking to media, Tirtha Anand Rao said that due to financial difficulties, his family members also left him. Even his mother and brother did not visit him in the hospital.

It is to be noted that Tirtha Anand Rao had worked with Kapil Sharma and well known Indian TV actress Shovita Tiwari in "Wonders of Comedy Circus".