New Delhi (Daily Pakistan Online) A person was kidnapped for ransom in the Indian city of Greater Noida. The kidnappers have demanded the dog of this person as ransom. Three persons have been charged in connection with the incident which took place in Alpha Two area of Greater Noida on Wednesday evening. The kidnappers have been identified as Vishal Kumar, Lalit and Monty, all residents of Aligarh. These men kidnapped Rahul Pratap and took him to Aligarh. His brother Shubham told the police that the trio reached their house in Unitech Horizon Society and demanded Rahul to hand over his pets to them, which he refused. As a result, there was an argument between him and the three persons and then Rahul was forced to sit in his car and fled from there.

3 The kidnappers asked for something unbelievable in exchange for the man
 3 The kidnappers asked for something unbelievable in exchange for the man

Indian media reports said that one of the kidnappers used Rahul's phone to call his family. He asked them to hand over the dog or they will kill Rahul. When the gang came to know that a case of kidnapping had been registered and the police had started a search, the accused left Rahul on the road near Aligarh. Rahul reached Greater Noida in the morning and filed a complaint against the three persons at the police station.