MUMBAI: The peanut seller's bizarre way of walking the streets became so popular on social media that he became an overnight star.

The 'raw almond' seller became a social media star overnight.
The 'raw almond' seller became a social media star overnight.

As luck would have it, rock star Geyser also gained popularity. The same thing happened to Bhuban, a peanut seller in the Indian state of West Bengal, who used to wander the jungle street and sell crowing beans, known locally as 'raw almonds'.

Bhuban's song 'Kacha Badam' will go viral as soon as the unique style of selling caramel beans comes on social media. Children and adults alike are seen humming and singing 'raw almonds'.

Many famous Bollywood stars have also released their videos on Insta on the song 'Kacha Badam' and foreigners have also become fans of 'Kacha Badam'.

Bhubaneswar says he does not understand how he got so much fame. She is grateful to the person who released her video on social media. Social media has changed her life. And they sing. I thank people for liking.