What was the point of making a toothpick to celebrate your girlfriend? Surprising fact came to light
What was the point of making a toothpick to celebrate your girlfriend? Surprising fact came to light

(Lahore) A few days ago, there was a news circulating on foreign media in which it was reported that an Egyptian young man named Kek gritted his teeth and made a necklace to assure his girlfriend Lisa of love and loyalty.

According to private TV Geo News, a picture of a young man was also viral in this regard in which it was seen that this young man has no teeth in his mouth while another picture also showed a necklace made of teeth. The man is an Egyptian actor named Mustafa Suleiman al-Sayed, who shared the post on his Instagram in October this year.

The actor also wrote an Arabic caption on the collage of the photo, which read, "I saw a beautiful example of love when you make a necklace out of your own teeth and give it to the person you love." When contacted by Reuters, the actor confirmed that it was just a joke and that the photo had been edited.