The girl who went missing 11 years ago was found near her house
The girl who went missing 11 years ago was found near her house

 New Delhi (Monitoring Desk) The girl who went missing in India 11 years ago has finally been recovered from a place after such a long time that it is hard to believe. According to the Khaleej Times, the girl, identified as Sajitha, hails from Aylor, a village on the outskirts of Palkid in the Indian state of Kerala. She was 18 years old 11 years ago when she suddenly disappeared one day. The parents searched for him for years, the police tried their best but never found him. Recently, Sajitha was found in a house just 500 meters away from her parents' house, which was revealed. It so happened that she had run away with her acquaintance eleven years ago and started hiding in her house half a kilometer away. The young man's name is Alnchowatal Rehman, a carpenter by profession. The girl lived in her small house for 11 years and no one ever heard that the missing Sajitha was living in the same area. According to the report, Rehman's elder brother Bashir went to her house recently and He saw Sajitha there and informed the police. Police arrested Sajitha and Rehman and produced them in court where Sajitha requested to stay with Rehman which was accepted by the court and he was sent with Rehman.

Police officer Deepa Kumar said, "The girl and the boy belonged to different religions, which is why they kept their relationship hidden from the world. They knew that if the world knew, they would never be one. All this time, Sajitha was confined to a small room in the house. Rehman locked the room from the outside and would not let anyone near it. He used to get very angry when he went to someone's room and people doubted his mental health. However, it was not in anyone's imagination that he had been hiding a girl in this room for years. There was a toilet in the back of the room. Rehman had broken some of the bars in the window of the room from which Sajitha used to go out at night and go to the toilet.