In the live photo, the boy mistakenly sent proof of his infidelity to his girlfriend, but how?
NEW YORK (Monitoring Desk) - A girl in the United States was sent a "live photo" by her boyfriend along with a "I miss you" message. But when the girl opened the live photo, the ground beneath her feet shook, and while her boyfriend was texting her, she was having an affair with another girl in a hotel room. Was celebrating According to Fox News, the girl's name is Serena Carrigan who shared a live photo sent by her boyfriend on her tick talk account serenakerrigan and narrated the whole incident. It can be seen in this video posted by Serena that A live photo sent by her boyfriend shows a bed lying in a hotel room and the next moment a girl smiles and falls on the bed.
Serena's boyfriend did not realize that the girl in the hotel room was accompanying him in the live photo he was sending to Serena. So he himself sent proof of his infidelity to Serena. People in the comments thought it was a joke but replying to them, Serena said in the comments that unfortunately this incident is 100% true and now I have lost touch with my boyfriend.