Munich: Astronomers have discovered an Earth-like planet 31 light-years away from Earth that could potentially harbor signs of life.

Discovered a planet with day and night like Earth
Discovered a planet with day and night like Earth

Wolf 1069b, the exoplanet, has a mass similar to that of our Earth and is far enough from its host star to be favorable for the presence of liquid water. Exoplanets are planets that are outside our solar system.

Evidence suggests that this exoplanet may have an atmosphere and magnetic field, as well as a perpetual day-night cycle.

A team from Germany's Max Planck Institute for Astronomy is searching for exoplanets for signs of life.

Wolff 1069 b is now one of about a dozen planets that are considered to harbor signs of possible life. However, it is believed that 10 years are still needed to see them closely.

Scientists believe that with the help of the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), which will replace the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT), which is being installed in the South American country of Chile. Full support will be available in this matter.

When the installation of this telescope is completed, it will be the largest optical telescope in the world.